Our Stories
Like Bees to a Flower, Connector’s Join Dots in the Community
Through the good works of David Townsend, former Executive Director of South Frontenac Services, Compassionate Communities Kingston (CCK) was able to identify a group of connectors naturally in evolution in neighboring community South Frontenac. David, along with...
What happens when you can’t make health decisions for yourself?
Kingston lawyer and doctor explain the importance of advance care planning What would happen if you were sick, so sick that you were not able to speak for yourself? Perhaps just too sick to think straight, or perhaps in the ICU – and maybe connected to a ventilator,...
Advance Care Planning and Dementia
Starting and then having on-going conversations about Advance Care Planning (ACP) can be difficult at the best of times, but especially so when a person is living with dementia. Sadly, the stigma surrounding dementia is often seen as a barrier to involving a person...
“I know what I want to say – I just don’t know how to say it”
When I met my friend Jane at the hospital for her latest CAT scan, she seemed more tired than ever. Her face swollen from lymphoma, she described how hard it was to eat and drink, and how drained she felt. “Honestly,” she said to me, “over the weekend, if someone had...
Story #10: The Shipyards Community
‘Knowing Your Neighbour Gives Confidence’ Most of us count ourselves lucky to have a helpful, friendly neighbour in times of crisis or need. Phil Jackson is one of those neighbours. A retired teacher, Phil works as a volunteer with Immigrant...
Story #9: The Seniors Centre
Social connections keep seniors healthy It can be tough to find a parking spot at the Seniors Centre on Francis Street. Most days, the former elementary school is a bustling place, filled with people playing sports, learning a new language, listening to...
Story #8: McBurney Park Neighbourhood Association
Neighbours looking out for neighbours "There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about." – Margaret J. Wheatley, American writer and management consultant How does an organization without any rules or funding become an...
Story #6: For The Love of Seniors
You Are Not Alone A Kingston company is playing an important role in helping seniors live where most would prefer to be: In their own homes. Since 2012, For the Love of Seniors has been helping older residents from Kingston to Gananoque with...
Story #7: Hospice Kingston
Caring for our most vulnerable citizens and their loved ones On any given day, there are people in every community coping with grief over the anticipated loss of someone in their last hours or the death of a loved one. Many individuals in the...
Story #5: End-of-Life Doula
“Lighting your way on your last breath” Couples expecting a baby often use a birth doula for practical and emotional support during pregnancy. A growing number of people are turning to another type of doula for similar support at the end of life. ...