by C C | Apr 13, 2022 | Advance Care Planning, Uncategorized
Kingston lawyer and doctor explain the importance of advance care planning What would happen if you were sick, so sick that you were not able to speak for yourself? Perhaps just too sick to think straight, or perhaps in the ICU – and maybe connected to a ventilator,...
by C C | Nov 18, 2021 | Advance Care Planning, Uncategorized
When I met my friend Jane at the hospital for her latest CAT scan, she seemed more tired than ever. Her face swollen from lymphoma, she described how hard it was to eat and drink, and how drained she felt. “Honestly,” she said to me, “over the weekend, if someone had...
by C C | May 9, 2020 | Advance Care Planning, Uncategorized
Who do you call when it’s “Closing Time”? We’ve all heard of health care and prenatal care. But how many of us have heard of death care? In simple terms, death care is about embracing the traditional roots of the death process, the way dying...
by C C | May 9, 2020 | Advance Care Planning, Uncategorized
Who makes the decisions when you can’t speak for yourself? We plan for all types of events in our lives, such as birthday parties, marriage ceremonies, and vacations. We plan for our education and for our retirement. Although planning is something we seem...