What is a Compassionate Community?
Compassionate Cities are communities that celebrate care for one another during life’s most testing times and experiences. Professor Allan Kellehear started the Compassionate Communities movement in Australia over 20 years ago. He says that dying is not fundamentally a medical event, rather it is an event that happens in a family and community.
Our focus is primarily on the aging population and helping that group “live as well as they can for as long as they can”. A person with a serious illness spends about five percent of the day with health professionals and 95 percent with family, caregivers and friends in their community.
Our challenge is to mobilize citizens to help provide knowledge and information on service available to anyone in need. Caring for others is everyone’s responsibility, not just that of the health care professionals.

Advance Care Planning Workshops
These FREE sessions include information on “Who will speak for you if you can’t speak for yourself?” Do they know your wishes, your values? And the importance of communicating your wishes to your loved ones. Benefits of having a plan include minimizing family feuds and relationship breakdowns; peace of mind. Advance Care Planning is a “gift” you can give to your loved ones.
Sessions at the Seniors Centre, 56 Francis Street, 4:30 – 6 p.m. To register call 613 548 -7810.
Monday, January 20, 2025
Monday, March 17, 2025
Monday, June 16, 2025
Sessions at the Calvin Park Branch of the Library, 88 Wright Crescent. To register, click here.
Monday, May 19, 1:00-3:00pm
Monday, September 15, 1:00-3:00pm
Monday, November 17, 1:00-3:00pm
Community Connector Training
You are invited to become a Community Connector. The role is to “signpost” people to community services available to improve health and wellbeing. Often people aren’t aware of all the support services in our community. You are trained to know about the directories that exist.
We have trained 250 citizens so far. If we could train 1,000 people and each one made six connections a year, that would mean that 6,000 people a year would know about how to find available help when needed.
It feels good to help others and to feel as sense of community belonging. Join our trained citizens who can say “I know what’s out there” rather than “I wish I knew”. The next session is:
Wednesday, January 15, 10:30 – noon. Calvin Park Library. 88 Wright Crescent. To register, click here.
Talking Cafés
We have a partnership with the Kingston Frontenac Public Library to hold these free events. Join us for casual conversation to meet new people and expand your social connections. Weekly on Monday mornings from 10:30 a.m. to noon. Library Central Branch. Come for one event or all six events.
Upcoming Dates at Calvin Park Library Branch:
January 30 from 1:30-3:00pm
February 6, 13, 20, 27 from 1:30-3:00pm
March 6 from 1:30-3:00pm
Kingston Frontenac Public Library: Aging Well Series
Join KRPL for a new bi-weekly speakers’ series that explores topics of interest for older adults!
Wednesdays, Bi-weekly, 2-3:30pm
January 29 – Calvin Park Branch
Transtioning Wealth to the Next Generation
February 12 – Calvin Park Branch
Fraud Awareness
February 26 – Calvin Park Branch
MAID – Medical Assistance in Dying
March 12 – Calvin Park Branch
March 26 – Calvin Park Branch
Aprll 9 – Calvin Park Branch
Advance Care Planning
April 23 – Calvin Park Branch
May 7 – Calvin Park Branch
For older adults.
Registration required at www.kfpl.ca
There are many health and community support services available in the Kingston area. Yet, many people don’t know about these services. If you don’t know about a service, it doesn’t exist for you! Here is a list of six community directories to help you find services when you need them.
- AVOID FRAILTY: www.avoidfrailty.ca. or 613 483-9399. Click on “Access Community Resources” for information. Register as a MEMBER to join their healthy aging program. Register as a GUEST to learn more.
- Eastern Ontario Community Navigation: www.cneo-nceo.ca. OR Call 211.
Province wide: www.211ontario.ca. OR Call 211. - Southeast Health Line: www.southeasthealthline.ca. OR 613 545-0539.
- Everything Frontenac: www.everythingfrontenac.ca.
- Southern Frontenac Community Services Corporation: www.sfcsc.ca. OR Call 613 376-6477.
- Health Connect Ontario: dial 811.
Queen’s Department of Family Medicine HORIZONS magazine
The September issue of HORIZONS magazine is a very interesting read. It is focused solely on seniors’ health and wellbeing. Included is a profile of Compassionate Communities Kingston Canada and our various programs.